Parenting Resources and Support
Our parenting tips are developed using content from the Parents Plus Programmes. Please feel free to download these resources and use at home.
Other Resources for Parents
- See list of parenting books that draw on the ideas of the Parents Plus Programmes, and which are available in most bookshops.
- See www.solutiontalk.ie for information on parenting advice/talks/ courses by John Sharry of Parents Plus.
- Irish Times Parenting Articles and Features by John Sharry of Parents Plus.
- Pause to breathe joy into parenting – article on the Parents Plus programmes, in the Irish Times, written by Sheila Wayman. You can also view the full article on the Parents Plus website here.
Further Help for Parents
There are many services available that can provide parenting support, counselling and advice to families. Please find a list below with further details.
Disclaimer on links/information provided below:
The links in this document are to external sites which may be of interest to parents visiting the website. These external sources are outside of the control of Parents Plus. It is the responsibility of internet users to ascertain the accuracy and reliability of information found. While care is taken to provide links and accurate information to relevant and useful content, we cannot guarantee the operation of external sites or links from these sites. We do not endorse products or services provided by others. There are also some organisations and services that might not be included on this list – this list is a suggestion of some other services that are available to parents, but it is not exhaustive.
Parenting Support Services
Family Lives (UK)
Family Lives is a UK service dedicated to supporting parents in building positive relationships with their children. It provides a 24 helpline, online tips and parenting/relationship support groups.
Address: Family Lives Head Office, The Broadway, Hatfield, Hertfordshire, AL 5HZ.
Helpline (free): 0808 800 2222
Website: www.familylives.org.uk
One Family (Ireland)
Offers services and support to one parent families, including training, education and a confidential helpline.
Address: One Family, Cherish House, 2 Lower Pembroke Street, Dublin 2.
Tel: (01) 662 9212 or 1890 662 212
Email: info@onefamily.ie
Website: www.onefamily.ie
OnePlusOne works to strengthen couple and family relationships by offering online services to help couples and parents help themselves.
Website: www.oneplusone.org.uk
Parentline (Ireland)
Confidential helpline for parents under stress or who are worried about any aspect of their parenting.
Address: Parentline, Carmichael House, North Brunswick Street, Dublin 7.
Tel: (01) 873 3500 or 1890 927 277
E-mail: info@parentline.ie
Website: www.parentline.ie
An online resource which provides practical advice on the challenges facing parents. Chat forums are also available.
Website: www.rollercoaster.ie
Solo (Ireland)
Supports people parenting alone through the provision of a wide range of information including, family law, child education and monetary matters.
Email: info@solo.ie
Website: www.solo.ie
Treoir (Ireland)
Promotes the rights and best interests of unmarried parents and their children, and provides free information and referral services regarding pregnancy, counselling, social welfare, and legal rights.
Address: 14 Gandon House, IFSC, Dublin 1.
Tel: (01) 670 0120 or LoCall: 1890 252 084
Email: info@treoir.ie
Website: www.treoir.ie
Relationships Counselling
Offers support for couples and individuals in their marriages and relationships.
Address: Central Office, Columba Centre, Maynooth, Co. Kildare.
Tel: (01) 505 3112
Email: admin@accord.ie
Website: www.accord.ie
Relate (UK)
Relate is the UK’s largest provider of relationship support and provides information on local counselling services.
Tel: 0300 100 1234
Website: www.relate.org.uk
Support Services for Children
Barnardos (Ireland)
Offers a wide range of services for children, families and communities.
Address: Barnardos Library and Information Service, Christchurch Square, Dublin 8, Ireland.
Tel: (01) 454 9699
Email: resources@barnardos.ie
Website: www.barnardos.ie
Barnardos (UK)
Offers a wide range of services for children, families and communities in the UK.
Address: Barnardos, Tanners Lane, Barkingside, Ilford, Essex, IG6 1QG.
Email: suuportcare@barnardos.org.uk
Website: www.barnardos.org.uk
Childline (Ireland)
Childline provides a 24 hour confidential listening service for children up to the age of 18 years, a website with information on a range of issues such as separation, bullying, etc.
Tel (free): 1800 666 666
Text support: Text “Talk” to 50101
Website: www.childline.ie
Childline (UK)
Childline offers a free, private and confidential counselling service for young people up to 19 years. It has a free phone helpline, an email service and an online chat service, all available 24 hours a day.
Tel (free): 0808 109 9819
1-2-1 Counsellor Chat service: See website
Website: www.childline.org.uk
HSE (Health Service Executive)
The HSE provides health and social services to everyone living in Ireland. It offers a range of free services to children experiencing emotional or behavioural difficulties, e.g. Primary Care Psychology Services, Community Child and Family Services and Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services. In order to access these services, referrals are usually sent by GPs. For information on the appropriate HSE service in your area please contact your GP.
Websites: www.hse.ie
An organisation working to change how Ireland thinks about and responds to mental health of young people aged between 12 and 25 years, through research, youth and community engagement, education and training.
Address: Services available throughout Ireland (see website for a centre near you)
Website: www.jigsaw.ie
NHS (National Health Service, UK)
The NHS provides health and social services to everyone living in the UK. It offers a range of free services to children experiencing emotional or behavioural difficulties, e.g. Primary Care Psychology Services, Community Child and Family Services and Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services. In order to access these services, referrals are usually sent by GPs. For information on the appropriate NHS service in your area please contact your GP.
Website: www.nhs.uk
The NSPCC (National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children) provides information about what happens during separation and divorce and gives advice about how to cope.
Tel: 020 7825 2505
Email: help@nspcc.org.uk
Website: www.nspcc.org.uk
The Rainbows programme supports children, young people and parents who have experienced loss through death, separation or divorce. The service is available in local communities throughout Ireland.
Address: Rainbows National Office, Loreto Centre, Crumlin Road, Dublin 12.
Tel: (01) 473 4175
Email: ask@rainbowsireland.ie
Website: www.rainbowsireland.ie
Relate (UK)
Relate is the UK’s largest provider of relationship support and provides information on local counselling services for children and young people.
Tel: 0300 100 1234
Website: www.relate.org.uk
SpunOut.ie is Ireland’s youth information website created by young people, for young people. They provide information on a range of different topics, which are broken down into sections – education, employment, health, life and opinion.
Website: www.spunout.ie
Teen Between
A counselling service, run by Relationships Ireland, to help children between 12 and 18 years cope with their parents’ separation or divorce.
Address: 38 Upper Fitzwilliam Street, Dublin 2.
Tel: (01) 678 5256
Email: teenbetween@relationshipsireland.com
Website: www.teenbetween.ie
Voices in the Middle
Offers support, information and a voice for children and young people who have been affected by parental separation. The website contains stories from young people who have experienced parental separation and links to talk to other young people/experts for support.
Website: www.voicesinthemiddle.org.uk
Mediation Services
Family Resource Centre Programme (Ireland)
The Family Resource Centre (FRC) programme is Ireland’s largest national community based family support programme, with over 100 FRCs situated in communities throughout Ireland. The aim of the FRC programme is to combat disadvantage and to strengthen and empower children, families and communities. There is a list of all local family resource centres on the Tusla website (listed below).
Address (FRC Programme HQ): Child and Family Agency, Family & Community Support
Services, Floor 5, Brunel Building, Heuston South Quarter, Dublin 8.
Tel: (01) 771 8500
Email: familysupportagency@welfare.ie
Website: www.familyresource.ie
Tusla website (for list of all local Family Resource Centres):
National Family Mediation Service (Ireland)
A free family mediation service is provided by the Legal Aid Board to help separating couples, and parents whose relationship has broken down, to negotiate their own agreement. There are a number of mediation offices around Ireland. See the webpage list below to find a mediation office near you.
Website: http://www.legalaidboard.ie/en/ Our-Services/Family-Mediation/Find-a-Mediation-Office/
National Family Mediation (UK)
Work in over 500 locations across England and Wales to help families in conflict, especially those divorcing or separating.
Tel: 0300 4000 636
Website: http://www.nfm.org.uk/
Mental Health
Offers services for people affected by depression in Ireland, including a confidential phone line service.
Address: Aware National Office, 72 Lower Leeson Street, Dublin 2.
Tel: (01) 661 7211 or 1800 80 48 48 (Support Line; Open 10am-10pm, Monday to
Email: info@aware.ie
Website: www.aware.ie
HSE (Health Service Executive)
The HSE provides health and social services to everyone living in Ireland. It offers a range of services to those who are experiencing mental health difficulties, including, anxiety, depression, psychosis etc. Services include Primary Care Psychology and Community Mental Health Services. Should you be concerned about your mental health, please contact your GP for information and referral to services in your area.
Websites: www.hse.ie; www.yourmentalhealth.ie
International Association of Suicide Prevention (IASP)
An international service dedicated to preventing suicidal behaviour, alleviating the effects of suicide and providing a forum for academics, mental health professionals, crisis workers, volunteers and suicide survivors. See the link below for contact details of crisis centres in countries across Europe.
Website: http://www.iasp.info/resources/Crisis_ Centres/Europe
Mental Health Ireland
Mental Health Ireland is a national voluntary organisation which was established in 1966 as the Mental Health Association of Ireland. MHI’s aim is to promote positive mental health and well being to all individuals and communities in Ireland. They have a network of 92 Mental Health Associations throughout the country, all led by volunteers.
Their Mental Health Associations fundraise to organise outings and events for those struggling with mental health in their communities.
Website: www.mentalhealthireland.ie
NHS (National Health Service, UK)
The NHS provides health and social services to everyone living in the UK. It offers a range of services to those who are experiencing mental health difficulties, including, anxiety, depression, psychosis, etc. Services include Primary Care Psychology and Community Mental Health Services. Should you be concerned about your mental health, please contact your GP for information and referral to services in your area, or see the NHS website to search for services by location/postcode.
Website: www.nhs.uk
Pieta House
Pieta House provides a free, therapeutic approach to people who are in suicidal distress, and those who engage in self-harm. They offer support and advice for people who may be experiencing suicidal thoughts and offer support to their friends and families. They also offer free phone number for anyone who is in distress and needs someone to talk too.
Tel Freecall: 1800 247 247 or you can simply text HELP to 51444.
Email: info@pietahouse.ie
Website: www.pieta.ie
Confidential helpline and support for people who are in distress.
Address (Ireland): Samaritans Ireland, 4-5 Usher’s Court, Usher’s Quay, Dublin 8.
Tel: (01) 671 0071 or 116 123 (24 Hour Helpline)
Email: jo@samaritans.org
Website: www.samaritans.ie
Address (UK): Freepost RSRB-KKBY-CYJK, PO Box 9090, STIRLING, FK8 2SA.
www.Samaritans.org (Has information on Samaritans organisations across UK & Ireland)
Tel: (24 Hour Helpline): 116 123
ReachOut.com is an online youth mental health service. It helps young people through tough times. Emphasis is placed on peer support and the principle that we all know someone going through a tough time. They engage in a space natural to most of young people now – online.
Website: www.reachout.com
Healthy Eating
Bord Bia – Healthy Eating Planner
The aim of the Healthy Eating Planner is to encourage people to cook quick and easing meals using eggs and other fresh ingredients. Nutritious recipe ideas for seven days of cooking are included, along with tips on shopping lists, healthy food options for children, what to look out for on food labels and novel ideas for healthier desserts.
Website: http://www.bordbia.ie/consumer/aboutfood/nutrition/pages/healthyeatingplanner.aspx
Nutrition and Health
This website provides a variety of information on healthy living – from tips on exercise and healthy eating to research and information on NHF events, as well as initiatives such as workplace wellbeing.
Website: http://www.nutritionandhealth.ie
Safefood is an all-island implementation body set up under the British-Irish Agreement with a general remit to promote awareness and knowledge of food safety and nutrition issues on the island of Ireland
Website: www.safefood.eu
Some Disability Services running Parenting Groups
Central Remedial Clinic
Provides a range of services and supports for people with disabilities, whether they are babies and toddlers, school children, teenagers or adults.
Website: http://crc.ie/
Cheeverstown House
Cheeverstown House, based in Dublin, is a voluntary organisation, accredited by the Council on Quality & Leadership. They provide a wide range of residential, respite and day services, to almost 400 children and adults with an intellectual disability and to their families in Cheeverstown Centre and throughout various community locations.
Website: http://www.cheeverstown.ie/
Enable Ireland
Enable Ireland provides services to children and adults with disabilities and their families from 40 locations in 14 counties.
Website: http://www.enableireland.ie/
HADD Ireland
HADD is an organisation in Ireland made up of volunteers – parents of children with ADHD, individuals with ADHD and professionals.
Website: http://www.hadd.ie/
Mayo Early Intervention Services
Mayo Early Intervention Service provides services and supports to children and their families in County Mayo where the child “presents with delays in two or more areas of motor, cognitive, communication and sensory function, and who have complex needs requiring on-going team based interventions”.
Website: http://mayoearlyinterventionservice.ie/
Special Needs Parents Association
Special Needs Parents Association exists to support all parents of persons with special needs and disabilities irrespective of age or diagnosis, by promoting on a national level, improved treatment, education, welfare and acceptance for our children.
Website: http://www.specialneedsparents.ie/
St John of God’s
Saint John of God Hospitaller Ministries supports up to 7,000 children and adults with a range of needs including intellectual disability, mental health difficulties and problems associated with getting older.
Website: https://www.sjog.ie/
Children’s Committees and Other Services
Childhood Development Initiative
The Childhood Development Initiative (CDI) works with organisations which commission services in the children, families and communities sector. They provide practical, hands on ‘know how’ in how to design, deliver, adapt and evaluate high quality, effective interventions.
Children and Young People’s Services Committee
Children and Young People’s Services Committees are responsible for securing better outcomes for children and young people in their area through more effective integration of existing services and interventions.
Pobal City and County Childcare Committees
City / County Childcare Committees (CCCs) and Voluntary Childcare Organisations (VCOs) work together locally and nationally to assist over 4,400 early education and childcare service providers improve the quality of their services.
Other Useful Parenting Websites
Kildare West Wicklow Parenting and Training Support Forum
This is a multi-agency forum that was established by the HSE in 2009.
Parent Hub Donegal
The Parent Hub, Donegal, was set up in 2013 by the Donegal Children’s Services Committee to look at Parent Support Needs in County Donegal.
Parenting Monaghan
Parenting Monaghan brings together agencies from across the County to co-ordinate parenting programmes and supports. They aim to offer regular parenting programmes, ranging from pre-natal to 18 years, in five locations throughout County Monaghan, on an annual basis.