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Parents Plus Special Needs Programme Launch on 18th September 2020

Launch Opening: Eileen Brosnan and John Sharry introduce Roderic O’Gorman, TD, Minister for Children, Disability, Equality, Integration and Youth.

Overview of the Parents Plus Special Needs programme content and parent resources.

Hear how Ciara, a Speech and Language Therapist, set the programme up in a Special School and from two parents who completed the programme.

Learn about the positive benefits of the Parents Plus Special Needs programme, as demonstrated by a large RCT study. Download the study slides for more information.

Hear the experience of two social workers who delivered the programme in a CAMHS setting and the benefits for a father who attended.

Collaboration with disability services nationally was key to the success of the Parents Plus Special Needs programme during the pilot.

Hear more from the parents who attended the programme and the importance of services listening and becoming family-centred.